
How To Cut Hair For Dummies

In the last year, we've had to come to terms with the fact that barbers are not always going to be bachelor. This means that we have had to adjust, and in some cases endeavor to learn how to cutting men'due south hair at home.

I know it sounds complicated, but it isn't – you have to follow some unproblematic steps and have patience. With plenty patience, you'll find y'all can do just almost anything to your hair!

That's what I'll be going over today – how you can cutting your pilus at abode in vii simple steps!

man cutting hair at home with scissors

In this article, yous will find:

  • Why You Should Cut Your Own Hair
  • The Tools You'll Need
  • The Words You lot Demand To Know
  • The Mistakes To Avert
  • Before You Brainstorm
  • Step 1: Envision What You Want
  • Pace 2: Prepare
  • Footstep three: Cut The Sides
  • Step 4: Cutting The Top
  • Step 5: The Transition Zone
  • Pace 6: The Details
  • Footstep 7: The Large Picture

Why You Should Cutting Your Ain Hair

Home Haircut with electrical clipper

Haircuts are often the only part of a man's appearance dependent on someone else.
But that doesn't have to be the case if you tin acquire how to cut men'south hair at domicile. You might be surprised to know that about iii in ten guys cut their hair. These are some benefits they have discovered:

  • Cut Your Hair At Home Is Convenient: The 24 hours a day yous take are precious, and cutting your own hair takes 10 minutes, saving yous the 60 minutes or more information technology takes when going to the barber.
  • Style On The Become: Things come up, meetings, dates, interviews. When they do, being able to give yoruself touch-ups instead of hoping the barber volition be able to fit you into his schedule will keep you lot e'er looking great.
  • Cut Your Hair At Abode Gives Y'all Control: Y'all tin always be in charge of when you get it cut and the touch-ups that are needed, no other considerations are needed. You brand the time, you lot get it done.
  • Cutting Your Hair At Home Is A Valuable Skillset: Skills print people. The more than skills yous have, the more probable others are to trust y'all with things that are important to them.
  • Dandy Style With Minimal Effort: You may need 20-xxx minutes for the initial cutting, but a mere 5-x minutes every couple of weeks to touch-up is plenty to keep you looking great.

The Tools You'll Need

Home Haircut shears

It's critically of import that yous apply the right tools to get the job done – no one wants to pull on their hair because they didn't utilise a abrupt enough pair of scissors. To perfect how to cut men's hair at home, yous need to brand sure you go this right.

Here are the tools you'll need to do this:

  • Scissors AKA Shears: I recommend you use hair-cutting scissors specifically. They should be sharp and minor (5-vi inches). You CAN use regular pair of scissors, merely they'll exercise a inclement job and be harder to use considering of their large size.
  • A Comb: This is the easiest tool you can utilise to move your pilus around while y'all're cutting it.
  • Hair Clips (optional): These can go on your hair out of the fashion.
  • A Mirror: This is optional unless you cut your pilus. Don't brand the mistake of hacking away at your head without seeing what you're doing.
  • Clippers: These practise the bulk of the work for you.
  • Thinning Scissors: These assist sparse out your hair as opposed to cutting through all of it.

The Words You Need To Empathise

Infographic - Haircut Regions

Earlier you begin, it'southward helpful to know some of the words associated with cut hair – and nosotros'll exist using them extensively in this article.

The Mistakes To Avoid

When first learning how to cutting men's pilus at home, it's very easy to brand mistakes – especially if information technology's your offset time. Here are some very common mistakes you desire to avoid.

  • Being Too Ambitious: Take your time. Don't cut too much, or too fast or as well high up. Go bit past scrap and have patience.
  • Miscommunication: If your partner is cut your hair for you, make sure they know what you lot want. Don't go out it to them to decide what haircut you get; it'southward YOUR hair so tell them what you desire.
  • High Expectations: You lot're going to be disappointed if you retrieve that y'all or your partner volition be able to cut your hair as well as your stylish. Make sure whoever is doing this to you doesn't feel pressured to get it perfect because I guarantee they won't.

Before You Begin

Haircut for men at home

Make sure your pilus is make clean. Launder and condition your hair if it's longer – and brand sure you don't put any production in your hair once you exit of the shower.

  • If Using Scissors: Feel gratuitous to experiment with cut your pilus while it'south withal wet.
  • If Using Clippers: Brand sure your hair is dry out – moisture and electricity don't mix well.

Prepare for the worst-case scenario. You might brand a huge mistake and take to shave your caput. If you exercise – that's fine! Now'south the perfect fourth dimension to endeavour a fizz-cut or forcefulness yourself to learn how to wear a hat!

Call up the KISS. Principle – Keep It Simple Silly!

Go wearisome. Cut less. Evaluate more.

Don't try to change things upwards – go with a way you lot know and are comfortable with.

Less than 3 weeks since your last haircut? Follow the shape your stylist left!

3-four plus weeks or your hair grows fast? You lot'll desire to go deadening as you'll exist shaping the silhouette of the cut.

Better to accept an imperfect longer cut than a bad cutting that's too short – you can't gum the hair dorsum on!

Now to the Step-By-Stride Guide To Cutting Your Hair.

Step 1: Envision What You Want

You lot want to start things off past making sure you lot (and/or the person cutting your pilus) know what you desire. You tin do this by imagining you lot've been electrified.

Now run your easily through your hair and wait at what you have.
Imagine what you desire the effect to look like.

Imagine what that result looks similar if you were electrified again.

Effigy out what needs to happen to your electrified look to go the result yous want.

Step 2: Prepare

Now y'all want to prepare the infinite where yous're going to cut your hair. Make sure you're in a well-lit area with no distractions.

  • Fix your chair or make room in the bath for some mirrors.
  • Articulate the floor of annihilation that may go far the way.
  • Wet your hair in the shower or the sink.
  • Rummage your pilus straight back.
  • Cover your clothes, so they are protected.

Step 3: Cutting The Sides

man cuts hair at home

Y'all desire to commencement with the sides – every bit they're the easiest region to cutting.

Be enlightened of the Transition Zone – This is the boundary between the lower and upper one-half of your head and is the area where nosotros will alloy, so don't cut into this region yet!

A blend is a gradual transition from shorter to longer hair. The goal of blending is to make it look seamless. Almost men like their pilus longer as you movement upward the head (as information technology creates a square shape which about men like).

Remember cutting less early is amend – you can make a 2nd or even a 3rd pass!
Using a comb, bristles facing upwardly, lift the hair on the lower one-half of the head and begin to cut (¼ inch in length) from the base of your head.

Repeat, going a fiddling fleck higher but not into the transition zone.
Motility upward 1/4 of an inch at a time – the smoother movements usually result in a cleaner look.

Start on the left side of your head, then move to the back, and finish on the correct side.
Evaluate whether information technology looks proficient or non.

Make another laissez passer if needed, or motion on.

Footstep 4: Cut The Top

woman cuts man's hair with scissors

Now that yous've got the sides and dorsum done move on to the height of your head.

Begin cut the top, starting from the front and working towards the dorsum. Focus on the center two inches. If you lot tin imagine yourself with a mohawk – the mohawk region is where yous're trimming.

Pull the pilus with your fingers perpendicular to your head, then cut a modest amount off the ends (1/2 to 1/four of an inch).

Similarly to cutting your sides, you want to move most ¼ of an inch back after every time you lot cutting.

Move to the left side (i.5-2 inches broad) and repeat.

Adjacent, motility to the right side (1.5-2 inches wide) and repeat.

You can cut less and go for a more "styled" top (i/8 to 1/iv inch at almost) or cutting more to go for a summertime shorter wait (1/two inch at a time! Yous tin can get over once again if needed)

Err on the side of cut besides little – y'all can always cut again later!

Pay attention to the style you usually wearable. Ane side may be longer than the other!!

Step 5: The Transition Zone

man's haircut outside

At present that you've done the bulk permit's blend.

Await at how your hair lays. What way do you vesture? If y'all part to the correct (similar I do), the left side isn't going to exist as smooth a transition equally the correct side. Thus, depending on the style you're going for, the transition zone doesn't need to be fifty-fifty on all sides.

Utilise clips (or fingers) to go on the pilus you lot want to keep longer out of the way (creating a low temporary side part).

Using the same rummage technique as in the previous steps, we want to hold the hair perpendicular to your caput and connect the upper and lower half equally we cut.

Envision the silhouette y'all want and cut with that in heed.

Once more – go out your hair longer if in doubt.

Now accept a pace dorsum and expect for lines (a articulate transition betwixt short and long hair) and off shapes (puffy areas where hair lays more than on the other side, creating an imbalance look).

This is where you'll want to revisit and better blend if possible.

Step 6: The Details

Home Haircut

Congratulations! You simply completed the most challenging function of cutting your hair. Now you lot want to go through and focus on the modest details.

Make clean up around your ears – employ the comb and pair of scissors to heighten the lines around your ears. Be careful non to cut yourself!

Check for any devious long hairs and cutting them off.

Now focus on the nape of your neck, and be very careful not to overcut – especially if yous're going for a rounder shape with clippers.

Footstep 7: The Big Movie

At present it'due south fourth dimension to review your hard work.

Stride back and launder, make clean and comb your hair as you usually would.

Look at your haircut from various angles in good light to come across if at that place'due south annihilation that needs urgent fixing.

Carefully evaluate whether or not you lot need to accost issues – just allow lilliputian things slide, as messing with a "adept" cut in the effort to become to it "perfect" can oftentimes atomic number 82 to a spiral-up.

Remember that past using natural men's hair products you can make your hair do exactly what you want – even if you didn't get it 100% right! Accept some fourth dimension and practice and you volition acquire how to cutting men's hair at home in no time.

What to read side by side? Observe out what footwear men should wear at home.

Click below to watch the video – 7 Simple Tips To Cut Men's Hair At Home:

How To Cut Hair For Dummies,


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